Business Mission of the Republic of Mari El to the Vologda Region, the Republic of Karelia, the Leningrad Region, the Pskov Region and the Novgorod Region
During the first days of the business mission, the delegation of the Republic of Mari El visited the Vologda Region. In the board room of the Vologda Business Center a business meeting with entrepreneurs of the Republic of Mari El and the Vologda Region was held. During the meeting B2B talks were conducted. The Head of the Agency Igor Gubin carried on business negotiations with Olga Yakovleva – the General Director of the JSC “Vologda Region Development Corporation”. Within the meeting opportunities of mutual cooperation and investor support measures were discussed.
The following part of the business mission in the territory of the North-West Federal District was held in the Republic of Karelia. The delegation visited city of Sortavala.
Welcome speech of the Head of the Sortavala municipal dictrict administration Leonid Gulevich included complimentary address of the Minister of Economic Development and Industry of the Republic of Karelia Oleg Arminen to the members of the delegation of the Republic of Mari El. The presentations of the enterprises of the Republic of Karelia and the Republic of Mari El were held, opportunities of interregional business cooperation were discussed.
During the business mission in the territory of the Leningrad Region the business meeting with the representatives of the administration of the Gatchina municipal district was held. Vladimir Norkin – the Deputy Head of the Administration on economic issues, Chairman of Economy and Investment Committee of the Gatchina district told about economic and industrial potential of the district. Then presentation of the companies presented in the business delegation was held.
During the business mission in the territory of the Leningrad Region the delegation visited the operating industrial park situated in the board of the highway of the city of Saint-Petersburg. The mentioned industrial park Greenstate is a private industrial park of the Finnish company YIT.
Anna Fedorova, the employee of the above-mentioned Finnish company, presented a project of the industrial park Greenstate and arranged the excursion in the territory of industrial sites.
During June 8 – 9, 2016 the business delegation from the Republic of Mari El visited the Pskov Region. The delegation consisted of representatives of the executive authorities of the regions, development institutions, unions of consumer societies and business community.
Presentation of socio-economic development of the Republic of Mari El was held in the board room of the State Autonomous Organization “The Agency of Investment Development of the Pskov Region”. Also the business negotiations between business communities of the regions were carried on.
Within the working visit the representatives of the Republic of Mari El visited the Pskov bakery where they learned new technology equipment and assortment of the produced bakery products. The representatives of the Union of Consumer Societies of the Republic of Mari El learned an experience of the Union of Consumer Societies of the Pskov Region visiting trade and catering objects.
On 10 of June the delegation visited the Novgorod Region. The First Deputy Governor of the Novgorod Region Veronika Minina held a business meeting with the delegation of the Republic of Mari El. Also there the Head of the Department of Economic Development of the Novgorod Region Eugeny Bogdanov, representatives of the executive authorities and business community of the Novgorod Region and Republic of Mari El.
On 10 of June the delegation visited the Novgorod Region. The First Deputy Governor of the Novgorod Region Veronika Minina held a business meeting with the delegation of the Republic of Mari El. Also there the Head of the Department of Economic Development of the Novgorod Region Eugeny Bogdanov, representatives of the executive authorities and business community of the Novgorod Region and Republic of Mari El.
Interregional trade relations between the Novgorod Region and the Republic of Mari El exist since April 1999. On the base of the signed Agreement on long-term trade-economic, scientific-technical and cultural cooperation these relations have long-term and stable character.
The results of the business mission in the territory of the North-West Federal Region will be worked out at long-term contracts for production supply.